Published on 12:00 AM, March 21, 2011

Muslim women are everywhere

The idea that Muslim women are oppressed is preposterous. There are 1.57 billion Muslims. Out of them, millions are women. Are they all “oppressed”? If Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wanted to subjugate women, why would he say “It is only the generous in character who is good to women, and only the evil one who insults them?” Let us not forget that Khadeejah, wife of the Prophet (pbuh), was a successful businesswoman. Jobs for women such as driving, encouraged by Islam ages back, are recently making way into the “modern” civilisation and being welcomed as empowerment of women. The Qur'an has also prohibited female infanticide. Muslim women are everywhere, studying, working and contributing to the society. Therefore, if you want to be fair, ask a Muslim woman how she feels, not BBC or CNN.