Published on 11:00 PM, September 11, 2009


Let Me Be

1I behold the sun in its burning beauty
I am the arrogant furor of thunder
I follow no boundaries, no authority
I travel endless horizons and yonder
I am the black shadow of eclipse
Conquer, not my soul

I hold the other with a generous heart
But wish not a condition on me
I denounce the oasis of peaceful green
I rejoice at the glory of self to be free
I mock the temple of gentle serene
Untamed I wish to be
Conquer, not my spirit

And yet I dare to embrace silently
The broken melody of a flute
The tears of lost love flowing quietly
The need to weave string of song
To repose on good earth relentlessly
To be a part of continuation, to belong
Conquer, not my self

Blazing through the journey of life
Meet I must other fellows
Make room for the passing wanderer
Yet to capture the mystic silence
To feel the might of living
I will be the lone traveler
Conquer, not my existence

For with it, I die ….

Dr. Ainon Nahar Mizan is associated with Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, USA. At present she is Visiting Scholar, Independent University-Bangladesh