Published on 12:00 AM, December 03, 2016

Two Poems

Poets & the Emperor

Renowned poets from all over the country

Came forward to read inspirational verses

To the demoralized emperor

A poet wearing gold embroidered attire

Having deep voice of wisdom, said

Your Excellency, I have written a verse

Reminiscing the glorifying dynasty of your predecessors

So that you can regain your confidence

And rule India with unrelenting determination

King's court reverberated with loud applause &uproar

And the poet was awarded one thousand gold coins


Then came a poet having curly hair

Wearing silver embroidered attire and velvet turban

Said O, the supreme one, the emperor of India

I created the most amazing verses

You will feel anger in each verse

Forgo your sense of despair, and become vengeful

Loud applause shook up king's court

Two thousand gold coins were showered as reward

Then came a poet treading, wearing long silk attire

Precious stone embroidered hat

Deer skin slipper, wearing black eye color, carrying a chime

Said, O the emperor of the universe

I have composed such powerful verses for you

That they will make your war drums reverberate non-stop

And you will reign forever

Again, loud applause & uproar kept on resonating

Three thousand gold coins were showered at his feet

At last came a soft spoken

Saintly looking bearded man wearing white turban 

Said, O the most honorable emperor

I spent many sleepless nights

But failed to compose any verse which might please you

O the great king, please forgive me 

Dreadful silence filled up the Court room

The emperor was speechless, baffled

Later, it was known that the poet was Mirza Ghalib. 

This Autumn

Autumn is here

But "Durga" is nowhere to be found

Where is the goddess having ten arms, the saver of the world?

Where are her chariot of lions?

They are imprisoned in a zoo

Her spears are exhibited in a museum

Laxmi is running around frantically 

Searching for her owl

But there are no bamboo bushes for owls to live!

How would Sharashwati arrive?

There are no waterways for swan boat to anchor

There are no singing peacocks

Forests are barren

Kartik croaks out in deep despair

Meadows are barren

Gonesh's rat fled due to sharp stink of insecticide

In the battle field the monster is all by himself

Ecstatic in his killing spree

Who will stop him, stick a sword in his chest?

Let the invincible warrior Durga come this autumn, walking 

Carrying her war spears.