Published on 12:00 AM, January 16, 2016

The sound of rain

Mahmudur Rahman

The fluffy white puffs turned  to a discordant grey
From resplendent blue the azure gave way
To the depressing dimness of dark nimbus
The wind whipped up gear
A frenzy of tousled tree tops

'Did you do what I asked you to do?'
Went the enigmatic unknown bird perched on high
'I did,I did and you know it too'
Came the response from its partner nearby
And the wind breathed heavy, the clouds descended nigh

They fluttered their wings as if to embrace
At first the flip and then a flop
The first drip and then the drop
The green turned lush,the yellow brilliant
And the winds made play in time and space

A soft,smooth sigh, then a clatter
A gentle spray,a smatter
A patter on the foliage
That held sway
And the winds now blew the dead leaves away

From a tangent to a vertical, a mist to a torrent
The heavens opened up in abandon so gay
The skies dark, brooding as if in discontent
The waters flowed  through gutters in a gurgling essay
And the winds blew harder, the birds wet, silent

Water on nature, a fragrance sublime
The flow slowed down, just a matter of time
The parched earth's thirst quenched for a while
Mind and soul at peace with the world 
And the winds blew soft