Published on 12:00 AM, October 17, 2015


The Power of a Poet

‘Peace Dove Crucified’ by Rabi Khan.

Only poets can heroically sacrifice the golden throne
There is no parallel to the poets in their ability to spit on the face of greed and fame
And choose a simple life free of temptation
Only poets can sever the ties with comfort and wealth
And take pride in leading care free life
Like whales, the children of ocean, they enjoy their freedom

Stupid Plato was very jealous of the poets
He knew that only poets can turn his theory upside down
Only poets can brag to have the power equal to that of God
And at times, have a bird drawn on a poster fly in the sky
And if needed, they go to solitary confinement willingly and happily
No king has the power to sentence them
Just the other day Lorca Lohitav
Daringly made mockery of civilization
Scaling the height of death
Threw the gold coins of pity on the face of Ferdous Shah
And before entering the paradise
Heracles Benjamin made the white eagle of Jewesblind
Nazrul, with utmost hatred for slavery
Was totally undaunted and happily chose asylum

Poets never tear the heart of the world
With examples as their razor sharp teeth
They set up new examples with every sunrise
And fill up the blank pages of the books
With examples of sacrifices and forgiveness.

Translated by: Gulshan Ara Kazi