Published on 12:00 AM, February 16, 2019

From Gitabitan "Prohor Shesher Aloi Ranga"

Translated by Fakrul Alam


The moment I saw your eyes in the crimson glow


Of that dying spring day, I knew I was done for!

In the everyday rituals of life, in the mart of hearts,

Everywhere, thousands trade smiles and barbs,

Seeing your eyes amidst them all, I knew I was done for!


Now mango trees in full blossom lilt in the breeze;

Their buds scatter, filling the air with familiar fragrances.

In the cluster of blossoms and fluttering bee wings

Every now and then spring keeps on murmuring—

Seeing your eyes amidst them all, I know I am done for! 


Fakrul Alam is a Bangladeshi academic, writer and translator. Currently, he is the Pro-VC of East-West University.