Published on 12:00 AM, September 10, 2016



Rabindranath keeps awake by you every day

Youths, adolescents and children, don't feel sad for him

Only his body departed, but his love and affection persist

Whenever you read him, you see the light of hope

With the music of his poetry.

Fear flees with his fearless words

If powerless, you consider yourself feeble

But you're reborn with strength and courage reading his work

Whenever the world is dull for poverty, diseases and sorrows

Read Rabis's 'Geetali' and 'Geetanjali' – you'll attain strength

Hearing of Rabi's fame, don't show only respects

Read his work over and over, you'll be famous and erudite

In his works, Rabindranath says – youths, listen – 

One who doesn't dream to be great remains little

Think every day, now and then – I won't be little

My Creator pervades everywhere in the universe 

With His blessings there won't be want, I'll achieve perfection

And earn ample knowledge and strength, and go to Him contemplating

One who dreams big this way realises, in imagination,

The blessings of God come and stay with him forever

Fortunate, he becomes great and heroic in this world

Even at death, he's immortal and revered by all nations

Have thirst to be great, you'll certainly become one

Even if not Rabindranath, you'll be many other lights

You'll be Napoleon, Hitler, or Gandhi, the Indian leader

You don't know you might be the conqueror of the world

'Not slaves, we'll be free and the sons of the immortals'

Pray, I say, God will listen to you

This is the poet laureate's magic – if you follow,

You'll always be showered with his grace.