Published on 12:00 AM, July 18, 2017

Yoghurt: the super food

Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important for maintaining good health, helping you feel your best. The nutrients needed by children are the same as needed by adults, but the amounts vary. 

School-aged children are still growing. Growth requirements combined with physical activity play a role in determining a child's nutritional needs. While carbohydrates and fats provide energy for growth and physical activity, protein builds, maintains and repairs body tissue. 

However, as children grow, their calcium intake does not always keep up with recommended daily allowances. Calcium is particularly important in building strong bones and teeth. Yoghurt is one such super food that can meet all the dietary needs. 

Yogurt eaters get a dose of protein, plus several other nutrients like vitamin B, potassium, magnesium and probiotics. 

Probiotics are 'friendly bacteria' that are naturally present in the digestive system and it helps boost the immune system.

Yogurt is a richer source of nutrients than most types of milk and it helps maintain gut health by combating lactose intolerance, constipation, and diarrhoea.

Eating one cup of yogurt a day provides approximately a third of your child's daily calcium needs.

For the elderly, bone density suffers when calcium needs are not met. Osteoporosis, brittle bone disease, sets in if diets are not providing adequate calcium-rich foods. Lower fat versions of yoghurt contain just as much calcium as their higher fat counterparts, which can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure. 

The easiest ways to incorporate yoghurt in your diet is to have it a smoothie, with fresh or dried fruits and oats, or in a salad. 

By Amreen Bari