Published on 12:00 AM, May 24, 2016

Beauty tips

The makeup dilemma

For days, I have stood with eyes wide open, holding my breath, watching my mother adorn herself with various cosmetics. Her usual were always a tinge of maroon on her lips and mascara that enhanced the beauty of her long, thick lashes. Those beauty products were a treasure to my eyes and my heart yearned to have those within my reach. But it wasn't until I was sixteen before I had my hands on those goodies. Those were one of the many reasons that I'm grateful to my mother. To this day, I still cherish my first strawberry flavoured lip gloss even though I stopped wearing it a long time ago.

The transition from pigtails to hair updo can be overwhelming, and so it is quite easy to overdo it.  It's always important to start simple. Lip gloss and mascara can be the beginning of a new journey for young girls. As much as parents want their daughters to start subtle with makeup, a part of her will always be rebellious to your ideas.  Have an understanding that allows you to give advice and convey the idea that fourteen year olds don't look appropriate wearing winged eyeliner to school.

For many reasons, applying makeup can boost your confidence and create an aura of sophistication.  At the same time, too much makeup can completely obscure your inner beauty. It is essential to find the right balance between maturity and freshness of youth.  As young girls get more experienced with the basics, they can start progressing to more urbane elements such as foundation, eye shadow and eyeliner.  By the time they are eighteen, they already have two years of experience to make the best use of makeup to enhance their natural beauty. 

On the other hand, starting makeup can also stir anxiety within parents. It shows how their child is becoming more mature and is interested in exploring her attractiveness. During these situations, it is vital for parents, especially mothers, to guide their young daughters. If your child is wearing too much makeup, what is the reason behind it? Is she feeling insecure or is it peer pressure? The societal pressure for young girls to feel that they have to wear make up to imitate their older sister, cousin or idols is a concerning one.  They are fixated with YouTube tutorials on makeup application. While the presence of social media continues to increase, it is imperative to acknowledge that our inner beauty should be embraced. Make up is a tool to enrich, not hide it. 

Not too long ago, my mother and I visited the Mac makeup store on a vacation in America. She asked the makeup artist to do my makeup that looked both natural and age appropriate. I was nervous but after a few minutes when I looked in the mirror, I felt beautiful. Wearing makeup for the first time is a colossal moment for young girls. As a parent, accompany her to the makeup store; buy products that are suitable for her age.  Let's ensure that the inception of her journey of makeup and glamour is a pleasant one. 

By Mayesha Raidah
Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed
Photo: Onira Raisa