Published on 12:00 AM, September 27, 2016

Face wash dos and don'ts

Washing our face is perhaps the most important part of our daily beauty regimen. And it is not a woman thing at all! Women and men alike should take good care of their skin, especially their facial skin, because that is where dirt and dust accumulate the most due to constant exposure. 

Washing your face in the morning is a must, as it helps remove the dirt and bacteria that settles on the skin as you sleep. But a common mistake that many of us make is we forget to wash our hands before we touch our face. Touching your face with dirty hands will transfer germs and dirt from your fingertips onto your face's sensitive skin. 

Washing your face at night is a must, too. A nightly wash will clean off the makeup and grime that gathers on your skin during the day. 

Never use water that is too cold or too hot to wash your face with. Use lukewarm water instead. And once you are over with the face-washing ritual, gently pat your face dry with a towel. Do not rub! And do not forget to moisturise your face after every wash.

Pick a face wash that suits your skin type. Face washes made with natural ingredients are less harsh on you. Therefore, do a little research before you buy your next facewash. 

While exfoliating your face is recommended by dermatologists to slough off dead skin, exfoliating more than twice or thrice a week may actually irritate your skin. Therefore, do not over-exfoliate, because if you do, it will expose your healthy skin to environmental toxins and harmful UV rays of the sun. 

Similarly, washing your face twice a day is a must and over-washing your face is a big no. When you wash your face more than needed, your skin produces excess oil, triggering a breakout. 

Always wash the washcloth you use to wash your face. Keeping your washcloth clean is just as important!

Remember that cleaning your face regularly, correctly and thoroughly is the key to keeping it fresh, young and healthy. 

By Wara Karim