Published on 12:00 AM, March 01, 2016


The superfoods

It is no secret that diet has an astounding effect in how you look and feel every day. That is where superfoods come into play. These are foods which are regarded as nutrient dense and calorie sparse. Although 'superfood' is not a scientifically-proven term, some foods are thought to pack a superior amount of antioxidants and essential nutrients (nutrients we need but which our bodies cannot make).

This is packed with protein and probiotics due to fermentation. It quickly fills the stomach, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system on top of all that! It's a great substitute for foods like sour cream, cheese and mayonnaise as it does not have as much fat in it. 

I know we all hate oatmeal porridge, but this breakfast staple is high in fibre, antioxidants and a number of other nutrients. It has been shown to help reduce cholesterol levels, aid digestion and improve metabolism. Throw in a few berries and slices of fruit like banana and apple to take advantage of all the nutrients while not compromising taste!

I am sure we have all heard how great green tea is too many times. It is almost a given that anyone on a diet will be seen sipping green tea at least once a day. However, the benefits do not stop at weight loss; this ages-old superfood has been used as a natural remedy for everything from heart disease to cancer! This is because it is packed with antioxidants, especially EGCG, a phytochemical that is said to slow down irregular cell growth. 

Most cartoons are incomplete without a scene where children are whining while their parents are desperately trying to feed them broccoli. But they should keep the war raging! This green machine is packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre essential in a balanced diet. Though most of its cousins are super healthy, broccoli takes the stage for its high levels of vitamin C and folate (a substance which can reduce risk of heart disease, certain cancers and strokes).

I know this reminds most of you of nehari, and that is exactly what it is (with the delicious oil and spices almost cut down to nil). Bone broth is quickly emerging as an alternative to several food supplements. It offers minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. While dissolved material from tendons and cartilage make it a good source of chondroitin and glucosamine (these are sold as supplements for arthritis!)

This delicious fish is packed with a big dose of omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and have incredible anti-inflammatory power. As a bonus, another study has shown that omega-3 also protects skin from the damaging UV rays of the sun.

Though this food does not immediately travel to the arms to form biceps like Popeye's, this little old green is trusted for its antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and vitamins which promote vision and health. Your bones will be grateful too; as a cup of spinach has 12 percent of the recommended daily dose of calcium and lots of vitamin K to help prevent bone loss.

By Maisha Rumelia Rahman
Photo: Collected