Published on 12:00 AM, February 06, 2018

Skip the gym...get fit

Workout for the homebody

You know what this column is called, and in keeping with that theme, let's go over some exercises you can do at home, without any equipment. This home workout targets major muscle groups in your body. All you need is a mat, your bodyweight, and some furniture that's solid enough to withstand your weight. This routine includes five exercises and you should be doing 15 reps of each. Stretch for 5-10 minutes and let's get started.


Despite being overly familiar and very basic, pushups are great for developing strong pecs. This exercise also works your shoulders and triceps as secondary muscle groups. If you are a beginner and find regular pushups too difficult, try doing them on your knees. Place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart and lower your chest so that it gently touches the floor. Push back up, and feel the tension in your chest muscles.


This is perhaps the best move for targeting the rectus abdominis (aka the 'six pack') and the obliques (waist). Lie face up on your mat and place your hands behind your head, lightly supporting it with your fingers. Bring your knees in to the chest and lift the shoulder blades off the floor without pulling on the neck. Rotate to the left, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee as you straighten the other leg. Switch sides, bringing the left elbow towards the right knee. Once you are done with both sides that's one rep.


This is one of the best bodyweight exercises for your glutes (in hip) and thighs. The calf muscles in your lower legs, abdominal muscles and back muscles act as stabilisers. Start by placing your left foot out in front of you and make sure to keep your back straight. Slowly lower yourself and try to feel the tension in the front of your leg (quadriceps). Keep your posture solid throughout the entire movement and your head straight. Do 15 reps and switch to your other leg.


These are great for working your quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. They also train your body for overall coordination and balance. Bend forward on one leg and slowly lower your upper body to about waist level. This isolates one leg at a time and is excellent for toning your leg muscles. Do 15 reps and switch to your other leg.


This exercise targets the back of your arms (triceps). Using a piece of furniture – like a dining table or a couch – place your hands shoulder-width apart and slowly lower your upper body to the bottom position while keeping your elbows tucked into your sides to maximise the tension in your triceps. Push yourself back up to the top and focus on squeezing your triceps as you extend your arms.

Photo: Collected