Published on 12:00 AM, October 02, 2018

shop talk

The tin affair

When we discuss the tone and ambience of our home, we do not only mean the décor! Interior decorating does not come that easy; it deals with a lot of things and includes details starting from the fabric of our sofas to the tableware we use.

According to a scientific research, the materials we use as tableware, its colours and even the weight effect how we experience the flavours of a particular dish.

Sounds interesting enough?

Expert designers will be telling you to stock up on orange cups, as recent studies have proved that chocolate tastes better when served in that specific colour!

Reds are said to increase appetite and rustic espresso tin mugs used extensively to sip on cool water – imperative for a day out with friends.

Perhaps a picnic!

When it comes to tableware, selecting pieces can be a difficult job. But the main idea is to consider the type of food we like to cook, the rest of the home décor and of course our own personal styles.

Some of us maybe the outdoorsy type, feeling a particular inclination towards anything that's pastoral, ethnic or traditional. In that case, we can easily opt for anything 'Tin'-- especially if it's hand painted with traditional motifs.

Not so convinced? Check up a few pages on social media – it seems to be all the rage at the moment.

Tins help create a high impact contrast to the more traditional plate styles. So a combination of both could charm the guests; breaking the barriers of monotony all the way through.

Another advantage with tins is that the rustic dishes are able to handle bold colours such as mahogany, plum, forest greens and even navy blues!

So, we say why not try out something different this season. Break away from the traditional and play with tin. Don't you feel excited already?


By LS Desk

Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed