Published on 12:00 AM, May 14, 2019

Wash up and get ready

Model: Ema Makeup: Farzana Shakil’s Makeover Salon Product: Singer

Have you ever had one of those days when you come home after a long day of work and just want to sit and relax until you eventually pass out? But then suddenly, halfway towards drifting off, you suddenly remember the important meeting you have the next day, and you do not have a clean and pressed shirt for the occasion.

As a result, the much-needed relaxing time needs to wait because surprise, surprise! You need to do your laundry.

Of course, cleaning up and washing is just part of staying well-groomed and healthy, but doing the laundry is a rather stressful job for most of us. Those who live all by themselves and need to do all the household chores — from groceries to laundry have it even rougher.

Grooming yourself and looking your best is important because people react to how we are dressed. And our dresses walk the line of looking presentable or shabby depending on how often you take care of your laundry.

In today's world, both men and women are equally devoted to their career, and everyone is always busy. There is hardly any time for laundry, and the times that we do find some, we would rather be having a little bit of me time instead.

After a long day of fasting in this Ramadan, nobody wants to come home, only to slam their shirts on the bathroom floor to get it clean for the next day. Everyone wants to enjoy a few moments of peace, and rightfully so.

Washing clothes is not only tiresome; it takes a lot of time and energy. Time and energy that could have been of better use — regardless of whether you are a man or woman, working 9-to-5. Surely, you wish there was some way by which your laundry will be done magically.

If you are fasting, you are already running on reserved energy, and slamming a bucket full of dirty laundry is something that is too physically demanding at this state.

Just like how everyone should learn to cook because everyone eats, everyone should be doing their own laundry and it's something that everyone wants to brush aside.

Thanks to modern technology, we have washing machines that will put an end to your agony and save you a lot of time and energy. There are two kinds of washing machines — semi automatic and fully automatic and the new ones have interesting features like built-in preset programmes, which you can use according to the types of clothes you own.

Singer brings you an affordable collection of semi-automatic and fully automatic washing machines, starting from Tk 10, 000. With the upcoming Eid, you can avail a discount of up to Tk 2,500 on your purchase of a Singer washing machine.

Photo: Orchid Chakma