Published on 12:00 AM, January 02, 2018

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Gifts for tweens

Parenting is difficult as it is, and one common concern often is what to buy for your tweens (children between 10 to 12 years). There are no magical shortcuts yet to understand the transitioning boys and girls, but there are a few handy gift that will never fail, and on a budget too!

1) Stuffed Animals to amp up cuteness

2) Stainless steel water bottles are a chic way to bring cool drink to school for lunch

3) Slam books, these can be exchanged with friends and cousins to fill up the pages creatively.

4) Indoor string lights and marquee lights are trending greatly among youngsters and adults.

5) You possibly can't build a basket ball court in front of your house, but a mini hoop can score big-time!