Published on 12:00 AM, June 01, 2021


Personal hygiene must-haves

Daily skincare routines, oral health practices and all the things we do to maintain our health are included in personal hygiene. Maintaining these practices not only keeps us physically healthy and strong but also makes us more confident, positively impacts our personal relationships, and caters to our mental well-being as well.

Here are some personal hygiene products one should have —


A liquid sanitiser or a sanitising spray is a must-have for anyone. Not only does this get rid of germs, which might affect one's immune system, it also brings in a sense of security.

A disinfectant soap or antiseptic liquids for bathing is always good to have due to its germ-killing properties.

Wet wipes

We often forget how dust contributes to skin problems and allergies, and has an overall effect on our physical and mental well-being.

So, a weekly clean-up should be scheduled. Although cleaning one's room might be a tedious task, it comes with maintaining personal hygiene. To make the entire work process more time efficient and effective, wet wipes can be used to clean any and all surfaces to remove dirt and dust.

Dry shampoo

Washing hair every day is never recommended. Daily washes and shampooing strips hair of natural oils and makes hair prone to breakage, and increases hair fall. To reduce the oiliness and greasiness from hair without damage, dry shampoo is a must-have. It is usually applied on areas where the hair is particularly oilier and does not need to be washed off after applying.

Facewash and moisturiser

Everyone has a skincare routine unique to their skin type which keeps their faces clean and radiant. Even if one's routine is not a 10-step ritual, there are some essential and basic products which one should have.

A facewash that caters to a specific skin type is an effective way to remove dirt and residual makeup from the face. Facewash is gentler and exfoliating, whereas soap is harsher and causes breakouts more frequently.

Additionally, a good lotion or moisturiser to follow the facewash should always be kept in hand. 

Dental floss and mouthwash

Oral health is a crucial part of personal hygiene. It helps to speak boldly and smile more confidently. Other than brushing our teeth twice a day and changing toothbrushes every three to six months, using mouthwash and flossing after meals are necessary.

Ideally, one would floss after every meal. This removes food particles and sugar which bacteria tends to feed off. Flossing also prevents gums from bleeding. Mouthwash also has a range of benefits. It prevents gum disease by killing bacteria, preventing plaque build-up, tooth decay etc.

Personal hygiene ensures one's overall health. These practices promote self-care and reduce stress and anxiety. Not only are personal hygiene practices a good way to keep oneself on track and on top of day-to-day activities, but essential to keeping one's spirits high.