Published on 12:00 AM, July 09, 2019

Learn. Know. Grow

Expectation vs. Reality in your mid 20s

Life is never what we expect it to be. That is especially true in our mid-20s, where everyone is in a rush to make it to the top. Everyone expects to get their life together by this age, but then realises that life hardly gives us what we expect from it. Let's have a look at a few expectations that every 20 something has and the realities.

Expectation- "Financial stability is guaranteed"

Reality: Financial stability and a good career will only come to those who will work hard in their student life and take initiatives to better themselves. One of the biggest misconceptions many of us has is there will be guaranteed financial stability once we hit our mid-20s. We cannot expect that our family or something else will take care of us. We need to hustle our way to financial stability.

Expectation- "Age will mature us"

Reality: Contrary to popular belief, maturity does not come with age. Your maturity has nothing to do with your age. The more you gather knowledge and experience in life, the faster you will mature. Maturity is not guaranteed when you hit your mid-20s. It is experience that brings maturity, not age.

Expectation- "You will meet the love of your life"

Reality: One of the biggest expectations people have from their mid-20s is to meet their future life partner. But the person who is meant for you does not appear in your life according to a timeline. So don't stress over that one person in this important phase of your life, and just keep doing your best and that person will come along when the time is right.

Expectation- "Money equals success"

Reality: I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but money can never buy happiness. Of course, it can assure you a sense of security, but true happiness comes from within. Your true success is measured by the amount of love and respect people have for you.

The age between 20 to 25 is the most confusing one. We have too many hopes about the future, we feel that everything will be handed to us once we finish our studies. However, that is not the reality. You will be handed with what you work for in life. It is as simple as that. So you need to decide how you want your mid-20s to look like and put in your efforts accordingly.