Published on 12:00 AM, July 26, 2016

The White in your Wardrobe!

White is not just a colour, it is the symbol of purity, clarity, modesty and morality. This translation simply means that inclusion of a white shirt in the wardrobe is a quintessential necessity for all those who admire style and fashion. No matter how evil you feel inside, if you don a white shirt you are sure to look charming and trustworthy to the world. Fashion gurus, all over the world swear by the word 'white'; they usually suggest anyone with a malfunction in their wardrobe to put on a bright white shirt and pair it off with anything including jagged and tattered jeans.

Much has been said about the white shirt, but how does one pull it off with panache and when is it the best time for it? 

First time meeting with the 'in-laws' -- Yes, of course you want make a positive impression! That is why we recommend that the men wear a bright, spotless white shirt with a formal ash-grey pant. Tuck-in the shirt and wear a branded belt and a sweet watch to complete the look. For women, a white kurti with light embroidery, paired with a long flowing skirt looks both trendy and posh at the same time.

First time on a date – the ladies can opt for a crisp white shirt with faded blue jeans to a date and match it with dangling silver coloured earrings, natural flowy hair and minimal makeup. For the men, hope you watched a lot of chick-flick movies to know that women fall head over heels for simple, straightforward men. So here's your cue; try wearing a white shirt and roll-up the sleeves and wear jeans to give out the casual look. The shirt should not be tucked inside. If you decide on wearing a white T-shirt instead, that's fine too. 

Going to an interview – What to wear for an interview has always been a big headache for everyone at any age. Looks are one of the most important factors considered while on an interview. You don't want to look too fashionable neither do you want to look drab. This is where 'white' – a colour promoting neutrality comes to the rescue. Ladies can wear a white kameez with single coloured dupatta to look sharp and professional. Men can wear suits, coloured ties and a white shirt to any interview and if they deem the weather to be too hot, they can lose the suit and simply wear a plain white shirt with a subtle coloured tie, maybe in nay blue, grey, beige or brown. 

The party look – If it's a formal party, men can wear the formal white shirts with bow-ties, suspenders, cuff-links, colourful ties and stone studded tie-pins. There's no end to how fashionable and rich you can look with a white shirt. For women, they can opt for the western look with a silk or satin white shirt, stilettos and formal pants or they can don the traditional-eastern look with a white sari in chantilly lace or chiffon. Whatever the choice, they are sure look breathtaking in an all-white attire.

So much has been said about white, we must also inform the negative sides of the colour.  While white is definitely one of the most popular colours in the world of fashion, it is also high maintenance. Anyone who wears a white dress or shirt must be sure that the white they wear is bright and spotless because even the tiniest of dirt is detectable on white and can be very off-putting. 

By Mehrin Mubdi Chowdhury

Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed

Model: Raj

Wardrobe: Cats Eye