Published on 12:00 AM, October 10, 2017

A smart workout

Amidst the get-togethers, coffee breaks and ice-cream phase we create a rather unbalanced diet where every day is a cheat day. However, the challenge is when you stand on the weight machine, only to realise that you have gained more weight than you could have imagined.

Exercising is the healthiest choice to cut down excess weight carbs, relieve stress and have a healthy workout for a sound sleep. Different exercises carry different benefits and it is essential to know which exercises carries your suited advantages and need.


These are exercises which helps the cardiovascular system to regulate the heart rate. Jogging, swimming, Pilates and Zumba are some types of aerobic exercises. The benefits of these are reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases including strokes, lowered risk of Type 2 diabetes, lowered blood pressure and improved blood fat levels. A 1½ hour bout of exercise per session is very necessary for these types of exercises.


While many believe that yoga and meditation are as similar as they can be, many of us fail to understand what they help us to regain individually. The practice of yoga makes the body strong and flexible whereas meditation is considered a part of yoga where one practices to focus up on sound, object, visualisation, the movement breath or attention itself in order to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

Yoga improves the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory, digestive and hormonal systems. However, before practicing yoga successfully, it is essential to learn the right way to do yoga through a trainer or a friend who has been practicing it for quite a few days.


Strength exercises are the kind we usually go for in order to cut down weight faster. However, strength exercises are the kinds, which are difficult but not impossible to do. Regular crunches, leg squats, push-ups, lifting weights and many more helps to increase metabolism, muscle mass, body intensity and helps to cut down the chunk of fats you have in your body bit by bit.

A regular one or two hours of exercise is necessary for successful results. Both home and gym can be options for strength exercises but it is necessary to do the workouts correctly without being injured or having a week of sore muscles.


Balance exercises improve your ability to control and stabilise your body's position. This type of exercise is particularly important for older adults because as we age our idea of where we are in space called proprioception gets worse, which declines balance.

However, these kinds of exercises are applicable for any age and are recommended during pregnancy as well. Lifting weights from side to side, using a stability ball, doing Tai Chi etc. are considered great balance exercises.

Exercise might be the key to stress relief and loosing weight but we also have to make sure that a healthy diet and sufficient amount of water intake is in our daily routine. Exercise works wonders when you have the accurate knowledge to give your body and mind a spin of relief!

Photo: Collected

Contact info:

Zumba Fitness Club, situated in Dhanmondi 12/A might be the answer for a fun way to exercise in groups. For details and registration, call 01715-143719.

Yoganika is a place in Banani, which could be the safe haven for enthusiasts. For registration or questions, call 0173186124.