Published on 12:00 AM, July 14, 2020

ls suggests

Balcony Bliss

A good strong brew of oolong tea, your favourite pet — a Barbet, prancing about, a gripping novel and a breath of fresh air; what else does one need to call herself content? Oh yes! Maybe a mini garden with flower beds and a little bit of shrubbery here and there.

But alas! Where do we get this kind of greenery in a world full of chaos, concrete and black soot? The answer lies only 3-feet away from where we enjoy our daily meals. It stands in the balconies that each of us own, in that tiny apartment of ours, a place most of us love to call home.

Do not be disheartened if the only view that you get from your balconies are of unsightly buildings under-construction, or something so mundane that it becomes an immediate eyesore. There's so much you can do to make the transformation inside, within the walls — that you do not need any external assistance at all, except for a little bit of sunshine to peek through every morning.

You can start with grass carpeting the floor to bring about a 'live-garden' feel. Then there's the opportunity to build a separate corner with specially painted flower vases or innovative terrariums that mimic a striking Swiss homestead. Terrariums let you play with your imagination to the max — you can build anything, from mini forests to magnificent waterfalls. After your favourite corner is done, it's time to plant in your favourite flowers. Perhaps a Sea Holly with metallic blue blooms, or a Torch Ginger, a beautiful tropical addition to your mini garden. And if you like the chirping of birds, there's always the opportunity to get few from any pet shop, and build a beautiful home for them in your mini balcony-garden.

My favourites have always been Love Birds, Parakeets and the Senegal Parrots, adding more vibrancy to the green. Balconies have always been my favourite spot in the house. I always made sure that they gave me a break from the mundane daily routine and gave me some personal space to gather my thoughts uninterrupted.

I have been lucky to own a large balcony all my life where I could set-up a few low lying sofas with super comfy cushions. The roofs of my balconies have been decorated with hanging baskets, ferns and fairy lights. Everywhere around, there's a playful touch that reminds me of a beautiful past — decorative street lamps from a German antique store, to cast-iron medieval showpieces, purchased directly from an artisan in Dhamrai.

What I am trying to say is that it does not matter how small or big your balconies are, if you have one, consider yourself lucky. Because you have the chance to magically transform this mini space into one of the most personalised areas in your tiny abode; a place that you can call your own — an escape, a hideout or simply, a beautiful snuggery amidst all the chaos!

Photo: NB Mansoor