Published on 12:00 AM, September 24, 2019

ls pick

Spectacular, you say?

If you are not blessed with 20/20 vision, and if lenses or surgery — no matter how trivial, is one that you shall avoid till you breathe your last, then you are left with no choice but to rely on your glasses as your 'vision partner.'

Spectacles are your closest friends; they help you see the world better. None of us liked being called 'four-eyed,' but within a few years, the landscape has changed drastically.

Glasses have undoubtedly become one of the most trending fashion items of today. They are no longer associated with the 'nerdy' look; quite the contrary!

Your glasses do not just help you to see better, you can use them to help yourself look cooler too. All you need to know is what your face shape is and how to choose the specs that suit your face the most. Once you have cracked this step, your regular pair of glasses can enhance the natural facial features in ways you never imagined.  And it can give you that classy, bold, or effortless look you had been craving for so long.


Oval faces are slightly longer than they are wide, cheekbones being the widest. The sides of the face are slightly curved, with no sharp angles. For this face, you should go for a square or rectangle frame. This helps to add more dimension and structure to your face.


The length and width of the face are almost the same. The forehead and jaw line are approximately the same width, and the chin is rounded. The cheekbones and jaw line are not prominent.

You can use rectangle or square frames for this structure of face as well, because they will add more angles to your soft features. Oversized frames are a good option too because they will make your face look smaller.


The features of this face are very sharp — very prominent cheekbones and jaw line. The forehead, cheekbones, and jaws are almost equal in width. The key feature of this face shape is the strong jaw line.

The most flattering frames for you are the round, or the cat-eyed ones, because they will add more softness to your sharp features, and also make your face look a bit longer.

You should avoid rectangle or square frames because they will just exaggerate the angles of the face. Small frames should be off your list too because they will make your face look wider.


The face is longer than it is wide. The chin is very prominent and pointed. The forehead looks narrower compared to the distance between the cheekbones, which are the widest part of your face.

Avoid anything that is rectangular, or square, because they will emphasise your already wide cheekbones. The most flattering frame for you is the cat's eye, because it adds more volume to the narrowest part of your face — the forehead, creating a perfect balance.

Round and oval ones go well with this face too.


This face has a narrower forehead and a broader jaw line.; this being the widest part of your face. The face is also longer than it is wide.

The ideal frame for this face is cat-eyed because it will add more emphasis to the narrow forehead. You must avoid rectangle and square frames to avoid any more emphasis to your wide jawline.


In the case of this face, the forehead is wider than the jawline. The forehead is usually the widest part of your face. The chin is pointed.

The most fitting way to balance a wider forehead is to add width to the lower half of the face. Aviators are perfect for heart shaped faces as their bottom heavy shape draws attention downwards. You can also opt for something oval, or round, just to add more softness to your angular features.

In the end, this was just a guide, and one may not be able to follow it fully because many of us do not have "one face shape," but a combination of more than one of the above described features.

The trick is to understand this crucial point — the features. If sharp and angular, go for something that will give more softness to your face. And if you have rounded and soft features, go for frames that will add more angles to the face.

Note that one must identify the widest part of your face, and choose frames that will draw attention away from those parts and instead emphasise on your narrow parts of the face.

And as they say, comfort is always more important than the looks. As glasses stay on your face for most part of the day, you must make sure that you have something that you are comfortable with.

And don't forget to add the secret element to every perfect look — your confidence, and you are all good to go!


Photo: LS Archive/Sazzad Ibne Sayed