Published on 12:00 AM, August 11, 2020

Tricks to teach your dog

The saying that dogs are man's best friend has been proven over and again by our canine companions. They elevate depression, and lighten up our moods when we were down. What they feel for us is something so pure, we often cannot even fathom it. They embody loyalty, love, and most importantly, possess an innate ability to feel our sadness. Dogs can feel our emotions, and truth be told; they are happiest seeing us when we get home after a day's work.

In recognition of our furry friends, here are a few tricks you can teach them. This is especially a good time to try these out, as most of us have this unprecedented opportunity to spend longer time at home with our furry friends.

It is also a great time to show some love and bond with them before we go back to our busy schedules. Basically, two items will be necessary for you to start on these, a clicker to train them to audio, and treats to reward them!


It is one the easiest tricks you can teach your dog, as dogs naturally paw at you whenever they want something. So, when you present them a fistful of treats, they will be inclined to respond. Once they do, just simply shake hands. Repeat a few times and after some conditioning, voila! You have a friend to shake hands with.


Making your dog sit is perhaps another one of those easier tricks you can, upon command, have your dog do. They see everything as a game, they will initially get confused and wonder what they can do to get the treat. Do not give them a treat until they figure out how to sit. After the first successful attempt, repeat the command and the treat. They will then start registering what you want them to do the next time you say 'sit.'


Just like sit, this trick is extremely simple. Repeat the same steps as for 'sit,' but instead, say 'roll.' It will take finesse and patience to get it right, but it is absolutely adorable when they are able to pull it off, and you would not be able to help but 'aww' when they do, and rightfully give them the treat that they deserve for mastering the art of utter cuteness.


Fetch comes pretty easy to most dogs, however, some breeds need more training than others. Take your clicker and throw an object at a certain distance, record this behaviour until your dog masters the idea of fetching said item and bringing it back to you. Once they do, give them treats and repeat. Do not forget to say 'fetch' when doing it. They will respond more quickly once you start giving them treats.

One important thing to remember, please be patient with your dogs as you are teaching them these tricks which are fun to do. Use the time to spend it with them, nurture them, love them, and bond with them.


Photo: LS Archive/ Sazzad Ibne Sayed