Published on 12:00 AM, February 19, 2019

Don't ever choose your career for these reasons

"How to choose my career?" This is one question that I get asked a lot by many of my young participants who come to my training sessions. To answer this most asked, and also most ignored question, I will say that life is not a bed of roses. We don't always get what we wish for. But there are a few things which should always be under our control, and one of those things is choosing our profession. Whether we are considering to start a small business, or simply deciding what career path to choose, it is important that we follow our passion. While many aspects like beliefs, values, talent, discipline, persistence, and luck contribute to business and career success, passion can often make the biggest difference of all. So let's take a look at the few reasons which should never influence your decision of choosing a profession.

1. Money:

I know money is the biggest motivator of all. But if money becomes the only thing that drives you to work every day, then you will never succeed. How to earn money and how to choose your career are two different questions.

2. Comfort zone:

The problem with comfort zone is that, it's comfortable. If you get stuck in the loophole of only doing the things you are comfortable with and not challenging yourself, then your life will fall into a rut.

3. Societal pressure:

Gone are the days when being a doctor or engineer were the only considerable successful career path. In this era of digitalisation, there are thousands of ways to build a successful career, so choose yours wisely.

4. Other's success:

In this age of social media, everyone's life looks more glamorous than it actually is. So naturally, you might think you are lagging behind from everyone. But the reality is far from what you see on social media. So don't compare yourself with others and just keep going ahead.

Choosing your career is one of the biggest decisions that you will ever make. So always consider important factors and don't let any of these aspects mentioned above influence your decision.