Published on 12:00 AM, November 08, 2016

kundalini rising

Emotional Freedom

We all at some points in our lives must cope with physical ailments.  Flu, fever, endometriosis, slip disk, torn ACL, ulcers, acid reflux, piles, heart conditions, diabetes, chronic pain, etc.  Some people know the name of their condition and reach out for allopathic remedies, homeopathy, witch doctors, prayers, etc.  Others do not know the cause of their suffering but struggle on in confusion trying to deal with the symptoms they experience. 

Most of us also face mental illnesses such as depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anorexia, addiction, etc.  Some people are aware of their condition and are trying to heal themselves while others are in ignorance or denial and feel they are hopeless.  Suicidal thoughts possibly cross their minds.

On top of this, we are all getting older, losing loved ones and facing our own mortality.  Factor into the equation low-self esteem and stressful, fast-paced, modern life and you are looking at the general population's cognitive space. So how can we cope with the pressure? 

Be positive.

To do so, we must learn how to release negative emotions and harness inner strength to create positive energy. There are various methods and means to help us be positive. Meditation, prayer, chanting, singing and doing kind services for others are some such ways. Another tool is called the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).  

The body, mind and spirit are connected.  Negative feelings are not only stored in our minds, but also our bodies, as aches and illnesses. If we let these emotional blocks fester, they not only prevent our growth but also make us sick.

Tapping on acupressure energy meridians or hotspots (on your face and chest) while repeating positive affirmations can create kinetic energy which speeds up the rate of absorption of affirmations by sending them straight into your subconscious mind. Like yoga, massage or acupressure, EFT works on the physical as well as the psychological plane.

Our book, Intentional Smile, offers a simple guide to EFT. 

"Begin by creating a script suitable for you:  

1. Start with an admission of the negative feeling bothering you. (I feel afraid.)

2. Accept and acknowledge the feeling and repeat positive affirmations about yourself. (Even though, I feel afraid, I love, forgive and accept myself.)

3. Programme your mind to release the negative feeling. (I feel afraid sometimes, but I choose to let the feeling go. I choose to release my fears. Slowly, gently, I surrender my fears to the universe.)

4. Set out a series of beliefs that support your transformed state of being which is free of that negative feeling. (The universe is a safe and secure place. There is nothing to be afraid of. I have released my fear. The universe loves me. All is as it should be. There is nothing to fear. I am at peace. I am in joy.)

5. Keep track of how much negativity you feel after each series of affirmations, on a scale of 1-10. Ten is the highest level of negativity we can experience and one is the lowest. Our goal is to come down to the lowest level of negativity possible.

6. You may not succeed in liberating yourself of all negativity on your first try. Modify your affirmations in free flow and keep repeating till you feel their truth manifest.

The script in this example was a Fear Releaser. You can prepare a similar script to release any negative feeling."

Excerpt from Intentional Smile: A Girl's Guide to Positive Living by Shazia Omar and Merrill Khan (https://

The emotional freedom technique can be used to help you release stress, depression, fear or pain.  It can be used to relax, improve sleep and feel good.  Give it a shot, perhaps it will work for you.

To learn more about this technique, please contact certified EFT master Merrill Khan:

(Art by Lara Salam - from Intentional Smile: A Girl's Guide to Positive Living)

Shazia Omar is a writer, activist and yogi.