Published on 12:00 AM, August 11, 2015

Knowledge Speaks

Happy beginnings; happier ends

It is time when children are starting a new year in school. There's a lot of excitement in the air because the word 'new' brings in a feeling of stepping into an unknown area children nowadays love to explore. New classroom, new teacher(s), new books…everything has a thrill factor associated with it. Some children may be starting the year in a new school; they could be uncomfortable in a new environment with new rules, but luckily, these "new" worries only stick around for a little while.

Parents and teachers have a more serious role to play. Parents cannot expect the teacher(s) to take the full responsibility of raising their children nor can any teacher hope that the months will pass and the scholastic year will come to yet another end without being responsible for all the students under her wings.

Parents have a distinct part to play as a family leader while teachers are considered to be community leaders. Every leadership has a well defined role to execute without excuses. Embracing the roles of parenthood and teachers, they are committed to doing what it takes to bring in the 'best' in every child. 

You are independently in charge of the children but in a category of your own. So, parents and teachers should not wait for the Parent-Teacher Meetings scheduled four times a year to exchange information about the wellness and progress of the precious, growing citizens of a country, which boosts to reach the highest level in all possible fields of achievements in the shortest possible time frame.

Children are the most 'vital' factors in the life of a parent and a teacher. Stay focused to guide the young ones in the right direction, holding on to your patience and good-will. Invest your attention to fulfill your dreams through a healthy and happy outcome as the children grow with convictions of living a pure life with a vision, as taught in school and learnt at home. They will reward you by making their life matter because you have instilled the boldness in them to face the world without fear of being a loser.

I wish all parents the very best this scholastic year. Your child may have just started school this year, or may be in the primary or secondary year programs or beyond -- the story is the same my friends. Stay promise-bound to raise them as good citizens of the world.