Published on 12:00 AM, September 22, 2015

deshi mix

Dried meat

With advancement of technology we now have many ways of preserving meat. Drying meat under normal temperatures, humidity and circulation of the air, including direct influence of sun rays, is probably the oldest method of meat preservation. It consists of gradual dehydration of pieces of meat, cut to a specific uniform shape that permits the equal and simultaneous drying of whole batches.

Lean meat - trimmed of fat – is cut into strips, and then dried to prevent spoilage. Normally this drying process includes the addition of salt to prevent bacteria from developing on the meat before sufficient moisture has been removed.

Another alternative method of preparing dried meat is by marinating beef in a curing solution and drying it. Meat treated in this way has a long shelf life and a unique flavour. 

Jerky is any type of meat, which has been cured with a salt solution and had the moisture reduced to less than 50 percent of the total. It is typically brown-coloured and has a rough texture. Compared to unprocessed meat, it is tougher and has a more powerful flavour. Beef jerky is promoted as a nutritious, low calorie product, which is low in cholesterol and fat, and high in protein and energy.

Beef jerky is thought to have originated in South America during the 1800s. It can be prepared from either whole muscle or ground beef. In both cases, the meat is first treated to remove the bones and connective tissue, and then the fat is removed. 

This dish from coastal, western India combines elements and ingredients of both the Malabari and the Goan styles of cooking. Although it is a dry dish with very little gravy, dried beef sukha tastes good with plain boiled rice. You can even serve it with hot chapattis. Add a green salad and you will give a well-rounded meal.

½ kg dried beef chunks
½ tsp cardamom seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
3 pieces (1" each) of cinnamon
6 clove
½ tsp fenugreek seeds
½ tsp black peppercorn
2 tsp coriander powder
1 tsp cumin powder
½ cup oil
2 medium onions, chopped
2 tbsp ginger paste
¼ tsp turmeric powder
½ tsp red chilli powder
½ cup coconut milk
1 tsp super
3 tsp white vinegar
Salt to taste
Fresh chopped coriander to garnish

Grind clove, cinnamon, cardamom, fenugreek, fennel seed and peppercorn together into a food processor. Mix turmeric, red chilli, cumin and coriander powders with the above mixture and stir to blend. Keep aside. 

Put oil in a heavy-bottomed pan on medium heat. Add onion to it and fry until golden brown. Now add ginger and garlic pastes and brown. Add dried meat chunks and salt. Mix well and cook stirring frequently, till meat is brown on all sides. Add powdered spice mix and stir well. Cook till the spices begin to give off an aroma. Now add coconut milk and mix well. Cover the pan, simmer the flame and cook; after 10 minutes of cooking this way, remove the cover and cook till most of the gravy has dried up and turned thick and a dark brown colour. Add the sugar, vinegar and mix well. Cook for 2-3 minutes more and then turn off fire. Garnish with fresh chopped coriander and serve.

Photo: Sazzad Ibne Sayed