Published on 12:00 AM, October 13, 2015

Check It Out

Rang's Durga Puja collection

With the upcoming Durga Puja festival in mind, notable fashion house Rang launches an extravagant collection just for the occasion. Packed with colours as the festival demands, Rang has something on offer to please almost everyone. The dominant colour schemes are all bright hues such as red, orange, magenta, yellow and blue among others. Tie n dye, appliqué, machine embroidery, karchupi and various other techniques have been used to furnish high quality clothes in accordance with Rang's high standards. 

For the purpose, the pieces have been made straight at the sources, with various designs coming in from Tangail, Rajshahi and Mirpur among others. The sari and shalwar kameez both have exclusives designs, patterns and motifs that fit not only this festival but transcend it as well. This is a collection you would rather not miss out on so head for your nearest outlet of Rang, today!