Published on 12:00 AM, August 24, 2021


Chondon Express: The ultimate gift shop

Renowned designer Chandana Dewan starts with her latest passion project "Chondon Express." An e-store and an add-on service line of the designer retail outlet, Chondon, the gift shop philosophises over the depth of emotions a simple gift is enchanted to carry.

It's easy to spot a liar from any crowd; simply raise the question of who loves presents and he who says no is the culprit, caught red-handed! An exchange entirely enamouring, gifts are a bipartite consignment, one that works so brilliantly because everyone has something to give and even to the person who has everything, gifts matter.

If gift-giving is your language of love, a dreadful present can break hearts and detach strings. Receiving an eyesore of a bouquet and a wreck of a cake can leave you ranting for hours, fretting over how little the gift-giver understands you, how less they care, or how you can't even take a decent picture of it to post on social media; it's too ugly!

On the flip side, the right gift can be the ultimate gesture to connect with someone. A mason jar with hand-written notes, a carved candle scented with lavender or a thoughtful insignia polished to catch the sun can all capture a heart for eternity.

"I love to express myself creatively through gift-giving. Investing a bit of time and effort to wrap a gift in a nice, patterned box and maybe tie a symmetrical bow with a ribbon round it and, finally, finishing with a few kind words in a card makes a huge difference, as opposed to gifting whatever however. Seeing the big smile, a good gift brings on someone's face is how you know the thought you put into it mattered greatly," muses Dewan.

And, so, Chondon Express breathes joy into this give-and-take and tempts you to think beyond the fleeting moment of just handing a present over. It entices you to stop and smell the roses and it does so via a riveting trove catering to every occasion under the sun.

Drop by an old friend to catch up after centuries, clad in casual athleisure and carrying the perfect gift in hand: Coffee Connoisseurs from Chondon Express! Containing a French press coffee maker and a fragrant bag of roasted coffee beans, let the afternoon rays melt into the night while you gorge on coffee and conversation.

Invited to a housewarming? Walk in with a congratulatory smile and a weave basket like "Festivity." With cheese, crackers, Ferrero Rochers and butter cookies, this basket is a host's delight and a sure-fire way to score brownie points, making it an absolute twofer!

Surprise her for no reason with a self-pamper basket like Lather and Relax or Sleep Tight. Filled to the brim with handmade soaps, candles, mists, face towels and slippers, these wicker hampers are the epitome of care packages. Whether you want to convey "I love you" or "I'm sorry," just the process of putting together the hamper will prove therapeutic for you and be an expression of love for her.

Gift-wrapped boxes for him like Groomin' Essentials and Always Dapper are also available at Chondon Express. Packed with satin scarves, chocolates, colognes, shortbread and more, these gifts will remind your significant other how special he is and how much he means to you.

More hampers and cards for corporate occasions, baby showers, anniversaries, birthdays or just any Tuesday are available at Chondon Express. The liberty of personalising your hampers by adding/taking out items to better fit the likings of the receiver is what sweetens the deal even further and makes shopping at this e-gift store a unique experience. "Add to cart" and upon checkout, an expert all-female fleet specialising in aesthetics from Chondon Express will take care of the rest.

With the economy in a downturn and finances being tight, buying a present does not have to cost an arm and a leg. The simplest things carry the heaviest weights and once you begin giving, the happiness of it will catch you like a disease and make it impossible to stop.

Photo Courtesy: Chondon Express

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