Published on 01:58 AM, July 19, 2021

Organic skincare: Know it better

Photo: LS Archive/ Sazzad Ibne Sayed

What is the perfect range of skincare products? Are they safe? Can I rely on reviews? — These are the common questions consumers ask, but nowadays, they are very well-informed and cautious, and know better than to hope for immediate miracles. This is evident in the most recent hype towards organic skincare. 
Organic skincare comes from organically produced ingredients i.e. free from preservatives, pesticides, bioengineered genes, and fertilisers. Being completely free of synthetic ingredients, organic products are more or less guaranteed to have no short-term or long-term adverse effects on one's skin. 
The primary aim of organic products is to improve the overall condition of the skin. The right amount of potent natural ingredients can help nourish the skin, while repairing generic skin problems. 
Macadamia nut oil, for instance, can prevent premature ageing, and reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Avocado oil works like magic in terms of soothing sunburn and repairing tan, bringing back your skin's healthy natural glow.
With organic products, it is more of a marathon than a sprint. Although mild improvements are likely to show within three to four weeks of usage, it may vary depending on the regularity of use, the ingredients, the absorbing capacity of skin, the severity of the problem, or simply the skin cycle itself.
Organic, natural, herbal, chemical-free, eco-friendly, cruelty-free, green-sourced, and many such terms can easily confuse and overwhelm anyone. While they all basically come from nature, they are not exactly the same. 
Natural products can have pretty much any chemical component as long as the key element is plant-based. Also, being natural does not render it 100 percent harmless. Nature itself has various toxins that maybe poisonous to the skin and hair. 
Organic cosmetics follow the same safety standards as organic food. 'Organic Certification' on these products confirms that 95 percent or more of its ingredients are absolutely chemical-free. 'The Control Union Bangladesh' carries out this verification on local organic brands.
'Soaperstar Bangladesh' and 'Sarin's Store' are well known brands offering a wide range of organic products that target common skin problems faced by Bangladeshi girls. While Soaperstar offers organic handmade soaps, face and body scrubs, facial oil, etc., Sarin's Store concentrates more on various ready-to-use face masks and scrubs. 

Shehna Falila Mulk, owner of Soaperstar explained how globalisation and awareness among consumers has resulted in expansion of the local organic market. 
"Customers want results," she said. "If an organic product cannot give them that, they will switch. But give them a good organic product that is effective and you have a winner!"
Safa Jahangir from Sarin's Store shared the same view. 
"With rising awareness among consumers, organic products are gaining popularity quickly," she said. "However, not everyone is able to spend a sizeable amount of money behind skincare regularly. We aim to provide consumers with quality products at a reasonable price."
'Salsabina's Makeup Artistry' is one of the makeover studios, working with new-age clients.
Salsabina Shorna suggests that it is better to go organic before special occasions than relying on quick brightening facials or creams. The bleach content in these products may sometimes lead to acne breakouts, while causing lasting damage. 
Salsabina further added, "Organic cosmetics will take time, but their effect is also relatively more permanent. Problem is, a lot of us lose patience quickly and end up jumping from one product to another. This can sometimes have adverse effects on one's skin."

A concerning issue is that, even after all these organic products being available, a huge portion of consumers still tend to lean towards fairness products. Organic companies often face queries about skin lightening products. Makeup artists will face clients who want to look 'extra bright' for their special day. 
Thankfully, this culture is in decline. Improved accessibility to the Internet and reviews by experts, celebrities, and community groups are inspiring more and more people to switch from chemical-intensive to clean-labelled organic skincare.
You can never be too careful when it comes to your skin. So, here are a few final tips when you decide to go organic —
Always choose a credible seller with good reviews.
Go through the ingredients list, just to be safe.
Look out for organic certification or logo.