Published on 12:00 AM, June 02, 2016

Letters To The Editor

The sorry state of education

Education is the backbone of a nation. But the recent state of education in our country is worrying.  The high number of GPA 5 holders does not only undermine the education system of the country, but could also be responsible for shattering the future of Bangladesh as learning becomes less of a priority to getting high marks. The decision by policymakers to focus on the numbers instead of the quality of education could be a factor that leads to the deteriorating state of education in our country. When will the country be able to develop a proper system where teachers and students will value learning? This should be a wake up call for the concerned authorities, and they should work to improve the situation immediately before it is too late. 

Rasel Rana
Dept. of Government & Politics
Jahangirnagar University