Published on 12:00 AM, March 19, 2018

Reflections on Int'l Women's Day

International Women's Day has just passed by. And as usual, there was much pomp and celebration all around the world; there is of course no denying the progress achieved in the realm of women's rights. But I think introspection is something we tend to lack when it comes to Women's Day. If we truly want to be honest with ourselves, we should look at both the good and the bad. For anyone who is remotely aware of the situation in Bangladesh, Women's Day would not put him or her in a “celebratory” mood. Not a day goes by that I don't read news related to violence against women in the country. The harsh reality is that the majority of women and girls here live without a basic sense of security—something that women in many parts of the world enjoy today.

Taskia Siddiqui, By email