Published on 12:00 AM, October 07, 2019

Snakes and our ecology

Our ecological system is getting shattered gradually, and we are responsible for it. Different factors, including human-caused disturbance, are taking a toll on our ecological balance and as a result, we are entering into a time of ecological chaos, where precious species of animals and plants are getting lost forever.

Snakes are also a victim of our ecological imbalance. There are approximately 90 species of snakes in Bangladesh. Most of them are non-poisonous and harmless; less than half a dozen land snakes are highly poisonous. But, people don’t have enough knowledge about snakes and thus they try to wrongfully kill them.

Snake is a part of our ecology, it plays an important role in maintaining our ecological balance, and provides economical and medicinal support to us. The government should come up with effective measures to educate people about snakes and their importance to us. Airing TV programmes to increase awareness among the people can be one option. We can also print positive stories about snakes in our school textbooks to eliminate taboos about snakes. We must do everything we can to protect the snakes.