Published on 12:00 AM, October 10, 2019

Sexual harassment in educational institutions

Sexual harassment is becoming a common problem in educational institutions across our country. The harassment exists from primary levels to university levels, but is rather severe in the latter. Some unethical university teachers are involved in sexually harassing female students, who continue to suffer silently.

Many of the abusers use Facebook as a means of approach. They send friend requests to the female students and intimidate them in several ways. They even set traps, luring the girls with a promise of better grades. Even worse, they at times threaten to fail the students if they refuse to oblige. Many of the victims avoid talking about the issue, as the perpetrators are often well connected with those in power.

Even though many brave students have protested against such crimes, many more have suffered. Despite the existing laws, most of the victims tend to stay silent, suspecting that the stigma attached to the issue will further worsen the situation.

I urge the respective authorities to take stern action against the molesters and enable the victims to report such matters with ease and discretion. I also hope that they will ensure a healthy atmosphere, free from predators, in the educational institutions and beyond.