Published on 12:00 AM, August 24, 2019

No justice for Rohingyas

The Rohingya crisis is now around two years old. For these last two whole years, Bangladesh has had to house thousands of Rohingyas who were forced to leave Myanmar by its military in cahoots with extremist aspects of its society and government.

The cost that Bangladesh has had to bear cannot be measured it is so high. However, it was incumbent upon its government and people to give refuge to the helpless Rohingyas.

During this entire period, Myanmar has borne no cost, it has shown no remorse and has acted shamefully following its disgraceful persecution of its own people. Countless reports released by the UN and its related agencies have already made clear the crimes committed against the Rohingyas in Myanmar. Yet, it has refused to accept responsibility for its crime, despite the fact that they are well known and established.

What has been even more disappointing is that the international community, except for paying lip-service, has done very little to actually alleviate the sufferings of the Rohingyas. It has provided very little political support to Bangladesh, and has failed to put any substantial pressure on Myanmar to work with Bangladesh and the international community to resolve the crisis. The international community, through this failure, has failed to stand up for justice.