Published on 12:00 AM, May 05, 2019

Letters to the Editor

Fani: the wrath of nature

As we sit in our warm, cosy abodes, thinking about some hot beverage that would go perfectly with the weather, the coastal regions of Bangladesh are grappling with Fani, one of the most colossal cyclonic storms to have been brewed in the Bay of Bengal. So far, it has claimed 14 lives from our very own land.

While our neighbouring country had to bear the brunt of this wrath of nature, Fani’s intensity diminished miraculously as it moved inland. Despite bracing ourselves with support from all stakeholders, lives were lost and such a day is always an occasion of mourning regardless of the margin of death tolls. Having said so, the damage could have been much more catastrophic given the sheer magnitude of the storm. The week-long preparations taken by the government entities leading up to the strike were noteworthy. More than 50,000 volunteers had been alerted near the coastal areas and all kinds of arrangements pertaining to food, clothing and shelter had been made to tackle this.

We still have a long way to go in terms of securing lives, and with India being susceptible to more looming cyclonic disasters till December, we should be equipped to combat and win against such calamities.


Iqra L Qamari, By email