Published on 12:00 AM, October 29, 2017

Quinoa: The super grain

Super grain Quinoa was first cultivated over 5,000 years ago and it was called mother of all grains. This plant based gluten free protein is pronounced as 'Keen Waa'. In this article we will try to uncover the health and beauty secrets behind these super crops.

Quinoa may hold the secret to youthful wrinkle-free skin

You can use the best skin care products, but for flawless skin you need to feed it from the inside out. These tiny seeds are the unsung beauty hero in the world of seeds as they supply skin healthy vitamins and minerals. The antioxidants present in quinoa protect the skin from the harmful effects of free radicals and help to delay natural ageing process. The vitamin C rich food encourages the formation of collagen and helps to rejuvenate the skin. It is packed with good fats which have a hydrating and nourishing effect on your skin.

Hair healthy protein

An added bonus is that these seeds contain a healthy dose of fibre and essential amino acids, making it a complete protein, similar to animal protein. Half cup of quinoa provides 4 grams of protein which is beneficial in combating hair loss, strengthens the follicles and makes the hair strong and healthy.

Weight maintenance food

Eating healthy and losing weight seems downright impossible for many of us. Ensure that your goals are met by emphasising these foods as part of a balanced diet as well as natural fat burner. Surprisingly quinoa packs a powerful punch in promoting weight loss. A healthy breakfast rich in protein, fibres and good fats that gives you energy and makes you feel full.

Heart health

Grains like quinoa have long been touted for their healthy heart promoting properties. Eating quinoa can lower your bad cholesterol. The high fibre content of quinoa helps facilitate digestion, balance blood sugar level, decrease unhealthy low-density lipoprotein or LDL. This makes them a healthy addition to a low calorie diet to help decrease high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Remedy for the diabetics

Studies have shown that increasing consumption of plant protein decreases the risk of diabetes, increases energy and overall lower weight. Quinoa is considered low on the glycemic index scale. People with diabetes should first make sure that they have a regular eating routine. A meal menu containing quinoa provides your body with consistent fuel, helps to control your blood sugar and monitor insulin level.

Better overall health

It is recommended to consume 50 grams of whole grains per day, here quinoa is your top pick. This nutritionally dense grain is packed with iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin, thiamin and folate.

Furthermore, taking quinoa with raw vegetables that contain sulfur could help you maximise the benefits. The fibre filled grains ease the problem of indigestion largely. Plant-based foods that are high in antioxidants are at the top of the anti-inflammatory foods list.

Quinoa is high in antioxidants and it is recommended for those who are arthritic. People who are gluten intolerant can have a hard time getting all of their essential micro and macronutrients. Quinoa is very well balanced, offering a vast array of micro and macronutrients.

A lot of people might not be aware of the magic of quinoa, but they have been used for centuries for their great health virtues. Because this super hero is such a beneficial food, try to find a different way to eat it every day.