Published on 12:00 AM, December 09, 2018

Organ transplant

First baby born via uterus transplant

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The first baby has been born following a uterus transplantation from a deceased donor, according to a case study from Brazil published in The Lancet.

The new findings demonstrate that uterus transplants from deceased donors are feasible and may open access for all women with uterine infertility, without the need for live donors. However, the outcomes and effects of donations from live and deceased donors are yet to be compared, and the surgical and immunosuppression techniques will be optimised in the future.

"The use of deceased donors could greatly broaden access to this treatment, and our results provide proof-of-concept for a new option for women with uterine infertility," says Dr Dani Ejzenberg, Hospital das Clínicas, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, who led the research.

The baby girl was born via caesarean section at 35 weeks and three days and weighed 2550g. The transplanted uterus was removed during the caesarean section and showed no anomalies.