Published on 12:00 AM, July 02, 2017

Child health

Influenza in children

In the last two weeks parents are coming in the outpatient departments and in private chambers with their sick children having high fever, runny nose, headache, body ache, cough, sore throat, nasal stuffiness, decreased appetite and sometimes vomiting as well. Every year during June and July, influenza outbreak has become a common occurrence in Bangladesh.

Two to three days after exposure to an infected person, the symptoms start to the exposed person. So the incubation period is short. It spreads quickly and within a couple of week's time all the members of the family gets the disease.

Usually, the virus is spread through the air from coughs or sneezes. It can also be spread by touching surfaces contaminated by the virus and then touching the mouth or eyes.

The treatment is symptomatic. You have to encourage your children to take plenty of water, soup, juices and other liquids. To get relief of fever, headache and body ache, Paracetamol is to be taken three to four times a day. If the baby does not take oral medication, Paracetamol suppository has to be used. Nasal decongestant helps to relieve the nasal congestion. Frequent hand washing with soap and water reduces the spread of infection. Disposable face mask may also be used to control the spread.

Vaccine against influenza is available and it needs to be taken every year for protection. Complications usually do not occur except in immunocompromised patients. Antibiotics do not have any role, so avoid unnecessary use of it. Chikungunya and Dengue needs to be excluded in case of any confusion.

There is nothing to worry about as it resolves almost in a week. Pay a visit to a doctor if necessary.


The author is a Professor of Paediatrics at Community Based Medical College, Mymensingh.
