Published on 12:00 AM, September 11, 2021

What is post-Covid vertigo?

If you have recovered from Covid-19, there may be several medical issues that follow suit. Some can be tame and some might make your head spin, quite literally.

There is still not enough research on post-Covid complications since the virus is still very much rampant. We know about persistent coughing, altered sense of smell, and fatigue as symptoms of long Covid, but scientists are increasingly pushing to add vertigo to the list.

Scientifically, vertigo is the sensation where one might feel imbalanced. Simply put, vertigo can feel like the room is spinning. Many suffering from the condition may even lose consciousness.

Covid-19 is "neuroinvasive". More than 25 percent of people who were infected with Covid can develop neural problems. The virus can attack the sensors of our brain that keep us steady and can cause us to lose our balance.

Headaches and loss of sense of smell are all connected to the virus's neuroinvasive capacities. With vertigo as a long-haul symptom, it is believed Covid-19 might also be capable of attacking the system inside our ears responsible for maintaining our balance.

If you happen to experience vertigo after your episode with Covid, you might want to give yourself enough time to heal from the damages the virus has left behind. Consult your doctor, and they will be able to suggest exercises that can help the brain slowly rebuild its resilience.

Until the pandemic is over, taking proper precautions, getting vaccinated, wearing masks, and distancing are the only ways we can stay safe.