Published on 12:00 AM, October 12, 2021

Low BP: How to manage the symptoms

In contrast to high blood pressure, low BP -- or hypotension -- becomes serious if certain symptoms persist for long.

Although there are no specific boundaries that determine a low blood pressure, a BP count of 90/60 is usually considered low. Symptoms like nausea, dehydration, inability to concentrate, blurred vision, fatigue, etc. can all indicate that your blood pressure is low.

While causes stretch from anaphylactic shocks to excessive heat, more often than not hypotension follows some other big health issues or events, like diabetes, heart problems, and even pregnancy.

Contrary to popular belief, hypotension can be prevented at home. A great way to start is to consume increased amounts of water. You might want to start getting up from bed slower than usual -- raising your pillow to about six inches to improve blood circulation, etc.

There are some hard "don'ts" as well. It is widely advised to avoid consumption of caffeine in large amounts.

Both high and low BP are common now. Some might suggest that elevated levels of stress in the modern world have made BP problems a part and parcel of our lives.

While that may be debatable, what does not warrant argument is the need for a healthy lifestyle, with adequate physical activity and a good sleep routine.