Published on 12:00 AM, June 26, 2016

Office cake culture is danger to health

Having cake at work to celebrate colleagues' birthdays, engagements or just surviving the week is a danger to health. Prof Nigel Hunt, from the Faculty of Dental Surgery, at the Royal College of Surgeons, says, "cake culture" is fuelling obesity and dental problems. At the Organisation's annual dinner for dentists, he said workplace temptation stops people losing weight. And staff should be rewarded with fruit, nuts or cheese instead.

But for many people the workplace is now the primary site of their sugar intake and is contributing to the current obesity epidemic and poor oral health.

Prof Hunt said, "Cake culture also poses difficulties for those who are trying their hardest to lose weight or become healthier"

He said it should be purchased in smaller quantities and consumed only with lunch. Dentists recommend cutting down on sugary or starchy foods between meals as they give bacteria fuel to produce acids that decay teeth.

Responsible employers should take a lead and avoid high calorie snacks in meetings.