Published on 12:00 AM, October 31, 2014

Hasin Rowshan

Hasin Rowshan

Popular TV actress Hasin Rowshan, who emerged in the showbiz through a beauty pageant a few years ago, faced 10 rapid fire questions from The Daily Star, most of which she's never answered before.

Photo: STAR
Photo: STAR

What would you do when you are upset?

: Listen to music with full volume and cook spicy food.

What is your biggest fear?

: Being misunderstood.

What would you do if you could go back to childhood?

: I would find out 101 ways of bunking school.

What could you become if not an actress?

: Housewife.

Ever talk to yourself in front of a mirror?

: Quite a lot, actually! I even pamper myself that time.

After a hard day's work, who or what do you want to come back home to?

:  My husband.

Which quality of you is still unknown to your fans?

: I can cook really well.

If you have any superpower, what would you do?

: I would make people happy.

The most irritating feature of Dhaka...

: Definitely traffic jam.

To what extent you are scared of ghosts?

: I don't really believe all these.

You find it amusing when...

: People deliberately lie.