Published on 12:00 AM, October 14, 2014

Foot care

Foot care

The weather is unpredictable nowadays, one moment it is raining and the next it is sunny again. The rain ends up causing dirty water clotting. Continuous exposure to this unhygienic water makes the feet soggy and vulnerable to cracks and infections; which in turn causes bacterial growth on the foot. So the importance of keeping your feet clean cannot be over-emphasised. Washing the feet with liquid after coming back home every time is a start. The heels are generally cracked and needs extra care - scrub them to remove the dead cells. Clean the space between toes and avoid using moisturising cream. After cleaning the feet move on to the toe nails; it's better to keep them trimmed so that less dirt accumulates underneath the nails and cleaning becomes easy. Lastly, ensure your foot is clean and dry. Mind to keep your footwear clean. It is very important to choose the right footwear. Make sure you don't wear closed shoes as they hold water and make the feet sodden. Opt for water proof, strapped footwear.