Published on 12:00 AM, May 27, 2017

Recognising migrant workers' contribution

They need more govt. support

Anational dialogue titled 'Migrant's Budget' has revealed the suffering of many migrant workers who are treated with neglect especially when they come back home. It is extremely disappointing that despite their enormous contribution to the country's economy with their remittances, migrant workers do not get the help they need from the concerned ministry.

There are workers who come back sick due to overwork or torture but they cannot afford the medical treatment they need. Others come back penniless and in deep debt because they could not earn enough and are not able to get jobs. According to the roundtable, the government has not taken adequate measures for their protection or to help them start income generating ventures when they return.

Concerted efforts from the government to help vulnerable migrants while they are abroad and when they return, are more than overdue. As suggested at the roundtable, the budgetary allocation for the Expatriates Welfare and Overseas Employment Ministry should be increased from 0.17 percent to at least 2 percent to provide migrants with the help they need, financial and otherwise.

Apart from ensuring more assistance by the missions abroad especially in terms of protecting migrant workers from torture, fraud and other human rights violations, the government must have a good reintegration programme when they return. Access to health through special health insurance schemes should also be thought of.

It is about time we recognised the contributions of migrant workers by providing them with basic benefits and protection. It is the least we can do for them.