Published on 12:00 AM, July 31, 2020


An Eid to remind us of our responsibility

We must stand beside each other now more than ever

As we celebrate Eid-ul-Azha during these trying times, it is more important than ever to remember its true spiritual message of sacrifice. This Eid-ul-Azha might not be like the ones we've had before, when we could freely go to the haat with others and gather with family and friends on the Eid day—as it is still necessary for us to maintain social distancing in order to defeat the ongoing pandemic. But it's important to keep in mind that the Covid-19 outbreak has put a major dent in the lives of thousands of people and economically destroyed the financial stability of many families, pushing many into destitution. Thus it is incumbent upon those fortunate and better off among us to stand beside those whose lives have been wreaked by the pandemic.

Besides the economic damage it has caused, it has also led many to perish. And many will be observing this Eid without the presence of their near and dear ones on this Earth. As a society, we must show empathy to them as they try to cope with their terrible loss. We must all be ready to be more understanding and tolerant of each other, as all of us will be going through some form of difficulty or the other during this time which, under normal circumstances, would have been a time of celebration.

We appreciate the government's initiative to distribute free rice to the extreme poor ahead of Eid-ul-Azha. The food aid is being given to one crore VGF (Vulnerable Group Feeding) cardholders across the country to ease their sufferings due to the recent floods and the coronavirus outbreak. We hope the government will carry out this duty making sure that there are no irregularities or inefficiencies in the distribution process this time. And we encourage non-government and private organisations to also chip in as there is a great need for much more relief initiatives than what is present.

We would also like to remind everyone how important it is to maintain proper hygiene during Eid-related ceremonies and distributions. The government must ensure that the city corporations and other local administrations diligently carry out their duties so that garbage and other waste material do not pile up on our roads and such public places. And lastly, we hope that Eid travellers will have a safe journey home and back following all the health guidelines, despite the struggles that arise with trying to overcome an ongoing pandemic. We wish our readers and patrons Eid Mubarak!