Published on 12:00 AM, September 19, 2018


Classes dislocated for MPs programme

Schools are not for private use

When a sitting member of parliament (MP) decides to turn a secondary school in his constituency into a party centre for his personal use, and that too for three days during which time no classes were held, we pause to think how power goes to one's head. The school was handed back to its management with food leftovers which just goes to show how low an esteem the lawmaker holds of the educational institution, its students and teachers.

We would like to know precisely why the school's management committee did not protest this treatment, and instead condoned the action of the MP saying that there was nothing wrong in using the school premises since it was adjacent to his house. The incident occurred recently at Dhoakhola Coronation High School and College in Bera upazila and we are told that students are finding it very hard to bear the smell of stale food left behind.

It would seem that government property nowadays is treated as personal estate by some people's representatives. Apparently the feast was an attempt by the lawmaker to clinch the party's nomination in the upcoming elections. If this is the sort of behaviour we are going to witness from our lawmakers, then what hope is there to instil any worthwhile values in our children? They are learning from their "guardian", as the MP claims he is, that displaying utter disregard for people is perfectly legitimate.