Published on 12:00 AM, January 22, 2017

Another round of attack of wheat blast?

Take steps to avert last year's loss

It has been a year since wheat blast decimated wheat production in the country, and there are indications that the disease may recur this year too. Last year, farmers sustained loss to the tune of Tk 1,800 crore, up to 40 percent of total wheat yield, in eight south and southeastern districts of the country. The 'blast' strike affects the crop so quickly, within a week from the time it strikes, that it leaves farmers helpless to take any action. Since February 2016, authorities have discouraged farmers from growing wheat in the affected districts and many have shifted to growing other crops.

Now the question is, precisely what measures are authorities taking in case the situation is repeated this year? Merely discouraging farmers to not grow wheat in large-scale is simply not an answer. What sort of financial security do our farmers have against a major outbreak of a fungus like wheat blast? Tk 1,800 crore financial loss last year put most of those farmers in a bind as there was no way for them to recoup from such a shock.

Although experts have pointed out that the fungus may not be as widespread as last year, because it requires rain, and weather conditions may be favourable around February, we should not leave it to the elements to decide the fate of thousands of farmers. Needless to say, we need improved wheat breeds that are better able to withstand such outbreaks. At the same time we need to think about farmers' insurance that would help them withstand such shocks because, at the end of the day, wheat is a major staple in our diets.