Published on 12:00 AM, April 12, 2019

A safe Pahela Baishakh for Cox's Bazar dogs

Volunteer groups launch vaccination campaign

Days leading up to celebrations like Pahela Baishakh and New Year are terrifying for stray dogs in Cox's Bazar as culling drives are carried out at these times, but a group of animal lovers have joined forces to change that.

Chittagong-based groups Society Of Rise for Paws & Claws, Animal Care of Chattogram , and Cats Dogs & Beyond, along with Dhaka's Animal Lovers of Bangladesh launched a campaign yesterday to vaccinate the canines.

They are also campaigning to raise awareness among people.

Volunteers vaccinated dogs roaming around the tourist spots of Cox's Bazar yesterday, starting from the premises of Cox's Bazar Government College.

Iyana Haque, founder of Animal Care of Chattogram, told The Daily Star that every life has the right to survive.

“We started vaccinating stray dogs at Kolatoli, Sugandha and other tourist spots to make sure both human beings and animals are safe,” Iyana said.

Besides, campaigners will hold talks with local people to raise awareness, she added.

Trisha C Bhattacharjee, one of the organisers, told The Daily Star that at least 16 of their volunteers were carrying out the two-day campaign in Cox's Bazar.

“We did not see any human bitten by dogs or heard so. But people kill the stray dogs anticipating they might bite tourists,” she said.

Trisha said they launched the campaign to remove the fear prevailing among locals so that the innocent animals could be saved from being killed.

The campaign will give a new hope for stray dogs, she added.

The campaign targets at least 150 dogs for vaccination and will conclude today.

A team of BNCC (Bangladesh National Cadet Corps) of Cox's Bazar Government College is helping the animal lovers carry out the campaign.