Published on 12:57 PM, November 24, 2021

Mojar School day out at Fantasy Kingdom

In our society, not all children are equally fortunate. Some of them have had major problems since birth, and they are tragically referred to as "Street kids" in our culture. These unfortunate youngsters are also entitled to happiness, which they have been seeking their entire lives. Fantasy Kingdom Complex has prepared a day out in the park for these children with 300 free tickets, free rides, transportation, and meals for all of them.

Odommo Foundation's Mojar School is a philanthropic endeavour. Mojar School, in collaboration with Concord Group, has made this desire a reality for them, which they could only imagine of in their dreams.

Fantasy kingdom planned a day-long visit for 150 students from Mojar School on November 13, 2021. The following week, on November 20th, 2021, 150 more youngsters came to the Fantasy Kingdom. This was a joyous occasion for all of the youngsters, as well as Mojar School. Leaving their sorrows behind, the children made the most of the day and had a great time.

Mr Anup Kumar Sarker, Executive Director of Concord Entertainment, emphasized that people in every tier of society have responsibilities to the community. Concord Entertainment Co. Ltd. is wholeheartedly concerned about this. This amusement park is the main draw for these sweet-natured kids. However, due to insolvency in their daily lives, it is quite difficult for them to enjoy a day out like this and ride all of the rides with enthusiasm. As a result, Fantasy Kingdom is honoured to collaborate with Mojar School in bringing this happy event to life. Tomorrow's children are today's children. For these children's appropriate development, we should all attend to their need for happiness and joy. These destitute street kids, like our own children, have an equal right to all social services.

During the pandemic, all children were quarantined in their homes. During that period, the government shut down all amusement parks, including Fantasy Kingdom. Following the lifting of the lockdown, this action by Mojar School and Fantasy Kingdom for these street kids is significant, and it will hopefully inspire others to follow suit and make these youngsters joyful.