Published on 12:43 PM, March 08, 2021

Dhaka seeks Saudi investment in public-private partnership projects

State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shahriar Alam has urged Saudi Arabia to sign a MoU between Public-Private Partnership Authority (PPPA) of Bangladesh and competent Saudi authority, which would enable Saudi investors to invest in Bangladesh.

He discussed the issue during a bilateral meeting with his Saudi counterpart Adel Al-Jubeir at the latter's office in Riyadh yesterday (Sunday).

Saudi State Minister Adel Jubeir replied in positive, stressing on potential Saudi investors to invest in a vibrant economy like Bangladesh and hoped they will soon sort out the MoU issue regarding PPP.

The Bangladesh State Minister stressed on regular business to business dialogue to explore bilateral trade and investment opportunities in Bangladesh.

On a proposal from the Bangladesh State Minister for joint venture in contract farming in suitable African countries where Bangladesh can provide its expertise in agriculture and manpower, Saudi State Minister welcomed the proposal.

Shahriar Alam expressed his government's gratitude to the Saudi King and Crown Prince for allowing all the foreign residents irrespective of their legal status for access to free COVID treatment and inoculation, which has saved lives of many expatriates including from the Bangladeshi community, living in the Kingdom.

In reply to a request, State Minister Jubeir assured of considering an interim arrangement for the irregular Bangladeshi expatriates to have access to health facilities and employment.

State Minister Alam also requested to reappoint a cultural attache at the Saudi Embassy in Dhaka, so the service seekers would not need to send their documents to New Delhi for attestation and Saudi side took note of that.

Both the State Ministers agreed to expedite the pending agreements and MoUs and to hold first Foreign Office Consultation where the whole gamut of bilateral relationship could be discussed.

Saudi State Minister congratulated Bangladesh on its 50th anniversary of independence.

He highly praised the remarkable sustained economic growth of Bangladesh carried out in last one decade under the able leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

The Saudi State Minister continued, the recent UN decision to graduate Bangladesh from LDC category to developing one is a testimony of this success.

He fondly remembered the historic ties between the two countries and the valued contribution of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman to Bangladesh's independence and laying foundation of "Golden Bengal".

State Minister Alam would be meeting the OIC Secretary-General today at his office in Jeddah to discuss concern issues.

Alam is in the Kingdom on a three-day official visit.